
Showing posts from August, 2021

Keep it Local: Shop, Buy and Think

I always wanted to live in a small town, and if you call #panchgani a small town here I am. Sadly, although I have set up temporary home around the world, I always pack the wrong things. . So I landed here in Panchgani, on a humid, rainy, misty cold  day and commenced setting up 'home' . Before long, I realized how ill equipped I was. Clothes that would have sufficed in Mumbai are not much use out here. Its been four day and the washed clothes have not dried yet. I am roaming in wet socks and moist clothing. I quickly drew up a list of clothes, toiletries, groceries that I needed. Much like the city bloke I am, I sat down an entered my requirements on the various Apps that claim next day delivery at half the price. I came to Panchgani not only to enjoy the weather/water but also try and do something for the town that has given us so many memories. I then decided to walk down the one road town and purchase the items on the list locally rather than the online stuff. Surprisingly ...

The only good cage is an empty one

 In the solitude of the #hillsofpanchgani, sipping my cup of steaming hot coffee, I wondered whether i should venture out for my evening walk. I had not done my customary 8km stroll for a couple of days and imagined the waistline inflating with each passing hour.  The weather reflected the mood of an #englishman after the last #testmatch, dull and gloomy.    However, jumping on the roof, bouncing and swinging through the trees, a troop of #rehsus #monkeys paid me a visit. The seemed so free, eating the leaves of the trees without a care about the elements.  As i tried to obtain a photograph of them, i wondered if they were #caged in, or was i or is the only good #cage an empty one.                                                                       ...

What does a Mongoose eat between their meals?

 Strange I talk about #mongoose today. With intermittent rain, and #panchgani blanketed in clouds, they cats and #dogsofpanchgani seem to be curled up in a dry space if they can find one. Here is a #mongoose freely roaming the gardens of #mountview looking for something to eat.  That leads me to the questions. What does a #mongoose eat between meals - sneks (snakes).   

Stop - resume - cease - restart

The Past do bring regrets and the future is so uncertain, So rather than dwell on both these aspects, I enjoy the moment and share these beautiful #morning here in #panchgani. Crispy, quite and still morning with low clouds rolling like waves to the beach                                           #moutnview #panchganihotels