Keep it Local: Shop, Buy and Think
I always wanted to live in a small town, and if you call #panchgani a small town here I am. Sadly, although I have set up temporary home around the world, I always pack the wrong things. . So I landed here in Panchgani, on a humid, rainy, misty cold day and commenced setting up 'home' . Before long, I realized how ill equipped I was. Clothes that would have sufficed in Mumbai are not much use out here. Its been four day and the washed clothes have not dried yet. I am roaming in wet socks and moist clothing. I quickly drew up a list of clothes, toiletries, groceries that I needed. Much like the city bloke I am, I sat down an entered my requirements on the various Apps that claim next day delivery at half the price. I came to Panchgani not only to enjoy the weather/water but also try and do something for the town that has given us so many memories. I then decided to walk down the one road town and purchase the items on the list locally rather than the online stuff. Surprisingly ...